Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fresh Biscuit: Polvo

Finally heard this track over at the Pitchfork Media (and stole the link). The first time I heard this song my favorite thing happened where hearing only the first few notes the song just speaks my language. It's like the tones and rhythm speak to my natural aural brain frequencies and I'm just so infatuated that I don't want to listen to anything else for a few days. I don't even like the heavy crunching guitar sounds, but they really grew on me.

I hadn't heard of this band, Polvo, before a few days ago. They released a bunch of albums in the math-rock style throughout the early nineties but were somewhat overshadowed by the whole grunge thing. Then, they stopped in about 1998. Now, after a hiatus of over a decade, they release this track, 'Beggar's Bowl' which I am completely in awe over. I listened to this about ten times in a row, which I never do.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

This Got so Much Better

After the first installment of Beck's record club, I wasn't sold. The cover of 'Monday Morning' was slow and Beck's voice was, let's say, not optimal for that type of song. Then came the next tracks from 'Velvet Underground & Nico,' and I am eating my words.

'Waiting for My Man' is a song which should sound god awful. Somehow when executed, the off-tuned ill-matching manic instrumentation is so great. Mixed with Beck's through the nose style vocals, this is a keeper.

'Femme Fatale' sounds like a guy rapping on his jeans and stomping while Beck whispers (through his nose again). It's pretty good!

I think we can say that these songs are the OPPOSITE of communism. Sounds horrible on paper, great in reality.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Happy Friday: Petite Feet

This song gets in my head for days and days at a time, and I don't mind. Well, off to Korea so smell you later USA.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Beck Covers Stuff

The latest from everybody's favorite Scientologist: Beck. His new thang is getting a bunch of semi-famous friends together and recording an entire classic album in a day with almost no preparation. Except for the fact that they have heard it a thousand times. Yeah. The first album they covered was Velvet Underground & Nico. Here's 'Sunday Morning,' and they will post a new song each week at the Beck website.

Right, Beck, the reason everyone listens to your records is because of your voice.

Fresh Turd/Fresh Biscuit?

I both loved and hated this Major Lazer video for 'Zumbi' at the same time. On one hand, the song is so stupid and autotune is on a rampage. One the other hand, though, there's Andy Milonakis. Wait, thats the same hand. It has a zombie anyway so thats good.

Major Lazer: 'Zumbi'

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fresh Biscuit: Grubstake

A zeppelinny stomp, a bluesy romp, it's Grubstake. Thanks to IndieMuse who I stole this link from. Also check out the Grubstake Myspace for some more tunes. They sound just like the bluesier side of Zeppelin, which, I mean come on, it's a great thing.

Fresh Turd: Wilco (The Everything)

Sorry Wilco, I wanted to like your album so badly, but my ability to not fall asleep is not stronger than this tryptophan bullshit you keep putting out. In other words, if you own 'Sky Blue Sky,' 'Wilco (the Album)' is very inessential. Actually, this album is not essential for any reason. This album sucks for lack of better wording. It truly reeks of old man and Volkswagen commercials.

I really did want to like this album. Wilco had a run of great albums from 'Summerteeth' to 'A Ghost is Born,' which were all high in experimentation, ideas, and songs that do the opposite of make me want to snooze. The album starts so promising with the upbeat 'Wilco (the Song),' but 'Deeper Down' actually sounds like a lullaby. 'One Wing' and 'Bull Black Nova' are decent songs, but will not wake anyone in a light slumber. 'You and I' has Feist in it, but isn't great. The rest isn't worth mentioning. Sorry Wilco, but you're done.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Bobby Stoan asks the age old question on my new favorite show. Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job.

I'm Back!

So sorry I haven't barked at ya in a while, reader, things have been hectic at eatdogeat central with the upcoming relocation to Korea. To make up for it, here are some relevant music videos to enjoy:

Fever Ray: 'Triangle Walks'

Burned a copy of this album for my trip to Chicago last week and this was the only song that skipped...real bummer. Dark, enchanting album by Fever Ray.

Beirut: 'The Concubine'

Good song, good cameo in this one.

Here We Go Magic: 'Fangela'

One of my favorite new bands of the year, we helped break them a few months ago. (Just kidding, the only thing that breaks around here is my heart every time I see the website hit counter).

Busdriver: 'Me-Time'

This song is political, and has puppets!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So Many Post-its!

What do you get when you mix thousands of Post-it notes, a stop motion camera, and an obsessive-compulsive asian college student? About one minute of sweet animation. Thanks, buddy.

Thanks to the Geekolog where I found this story. 

Monday, June 15, 2009

Fresh Biscuit: Double Dagger

This band is one I wish I would have known about a while ago. Then right now I would be saying "I have listened to this band for a while now." Of course this wouldn't mean much, but it would make my life slightly better. 

These guys of Double Dagger are obviously the shit. The only stringed instrument used is a bass guitar, and they have designed type for New York Times. Their songs have a Pavement feel to them, except I don't dislike the vocals. I also love their album covers:

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Oh sorry I blacked out for a while there, not sure what happened.

Fresh Biscuit: Big Pink


Happy Birthday Post

This is totally a happy birthday post to me, and might be the best post ever. It's a video made by a religious group to discourage watching porn because every 'actor' is somebody's daughter. Let's not forget that many of the people appearing in these videos are also somebody's mothers. Yeah, definitely don't forget the mothers.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fresh Biscuit: Benoit Pioulard

And finally I find a good new song to post for today (no thanks to you Fiery Furnaces). This is a very meditative song by Benoit Pioulard, whom I have never heard of before. Its very much in the vein of early Grizzly Bear, which is a good thing. Check out this video too, the animation is simple yet breathtaking. So is scary Pocahontas. 

eatdogeat <3 NPR

Get this: one of our most anticipated new releases this summer is streaming over at NPR. Its Sunset Rubdown! Last week it was our other most anticipated release by The Dirty Projectors. Wow NPR, so relevant, so hip, so useful. 

Fresh Turd: Fiery Furnaces

When I saw the Fiery Furnaces had a new song out, I fired up a new post and already typed in Fresh Biscuit. Then I listened to the song. Oops. The song starts out like a 50's toothpaste jingle, then continues to go down hill. What? Their songs are usually so out there, so weird, refreshing, etc. Lets hope this is a fluke.

I Liked Part of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon

Oh yeah, watch this. Wait, wait, wait.....Really? Oh my god. Ohhhhh god. Oh ahhhhh hahahah. Wha....What? Hahahahaaha. Oh man. Keep watching, keep watching. Oh man, really? Ahhhhhhhahahahahahah. Oh my freaking god. (Reaction of everyone aged 22-30 watching this clip).

Monday, June 8, 2009

Would You Buy Music from These Guys?

So, simple yes or no here. Would you buy a record with music by this guy?
I'm guessing you would rather buy a dime bag, right? Well how about this next guy? 
I'm guessing you would rather just ask him for help finding a book at Borders. Well both of these guys, along with an equally creepy looking bald guy form the band Dinosaur Jr.
Dinosaur Jr. have crawled out of what is presumably their parents basements for a new album. It's worth checking out since most of the music these guys have made is really solid. 

Here they are on skateboards/bicycles! Ahhhhhhh!

Get 'Farm' which comes out June 23.

Fresh Biscuit: Vetiver

So it looks like I'm putting together some type of rainy monday playlist now. Didn't mean to. Somehow the songs I'm liking right now have some built-in melancholy speaking to my subconscious. It makes sense now that I think about it. Anyway check out this song by folk band Vetiver. Also check out their album 'Tight Knit.'

Fresh Biscuit: Bruce Peninsula

I'm at the Pizza Hut, I'm at the Taco Bell, I'm at the combin.....Oh sorry, you caught me singing some other song there. Fresh on this rainy monday is a song I just discovered by this band named Bruce Peninsula. I may just be partial to peninsulas. Hey, I used to live on an Isthmus. This song, 'Steamroller' captures my rainy monday feel today. You might as well check this song out, you're here already anyway.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fresh Biscuit/Happy Friday: Das Racist

Do you ever get that where you hear 30 seconds of a song and automatically know it's one of your favorites? This happened. Das Racist. This is a remix by Wallpaper of their song 'Pizza Hut Taco Bell,' a celebration of combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bells. I'm gonna go out on a limb here, song of the year. Song of the decade. New Summer jam! Guys, I've seen a combo Hut/Bell/KFC. Yeah.


So I get back from a friend's house tonight and find I have an email that says there's an illegal link on eatdogeat. Turns out the Eels song I posted was NOT kosher, and the link was removed by the blogger administration. First, whatever, I'm not phased. Second, it's a little nice to get that recognition, as least someone knows I'm here. Last, that was my 96th post when I had just celebrated number 100! What the hell? OK, I'll get over it. Here's a nice music related painting I finished to help clear out some of the bad taste of the Eels debacle. 

Screw you Eels (mostly your record company).

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Woof Woof 100th Post!

Today is a celebration at eatdogeat, for this is the 100th post. Ahhhh, it feels so good. Here's to another hundred posts (and the hope that at least a few people read them). Oh so bittersweet. 

Anyway, who more appropriate for a 100th post celebration than Tom Waits? It turns out he voiced a dog food commercial for 'Butcher's Blend' forever ago. Beeeeef, liver, bacon.

Bam! A dog food commercial by Tom Waits on a music blog called eatdogeat. That's so relevant, I don't think I will ever post again. Here's another Tom Waits song, one of my favorites:

Will I see you tonight? Reading eatdogeat? 

Fresh Biscuit: Circulatory System

Zing! Gotcha with another literal image to a band name! This song is by a band named Circulatory System, formed by members of the Olivia Tremor Control. 'Overjoyed' is a dense mix of fuzz bass and about every other noise you can think of. Check it out!

Fresh Turd: Kings of Leon

Wow, Kings of Leon, you made every possible correct decision. If you want to be hated by everybody except for Great Britain. How do you go from this, Southern alt-rockabilly:

To watered down power-pop?

You're so good you started the building on fire! Now please stop.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Stale Biscuit: Flaming Lips

So uh (yawn)....slow news day today. I figure I'll just put up this kickass concert footage from The Flaming Lips from two summers ago. I was there, and it was a great performance of 'Mountainside.' Also, starting to get psyched here for the new double album 'Embryonic' due out later in the year.


This Band Rules

I saw the Yeah Yeah Yeahs on Saturday. The first band was one dude who pretty much put me to sleep, so I didn't bother to remember his name. Sorry, dude. The second act, to my amazement, featured a female lead singer who also played the drums. I did remember their name. Grand Ole Party plays uptempo, danceable indie-rock I think most of us can enjoy. I'm also in love with the lead singer. Enjoy these videos/songs I dug up, though their studio work doesn't quite capture the magic of their stage show.

'Bad, Bad Man'


'Look Out Young Son'

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Album Cover Review: Grizzly Bear

This album by this band has been blogged/tweeted/talked about so much that it seems to me mundane to post another album review. Therefore, Album Cover Review: Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest.
Grizzly Bear's new album cover has a way of capturing the eye. Veckatimest contains a mosaic of various three and four sided shapes drawn in chalk. Larger shapes are formed by groups of the smaller, intricately placed, similarly colored shapes, while these larger shapes form the entirety of the album cover. New for Grizzly Bear is that Veckatimest's album cover is poppier than previous albums. The colors, shades of orange, green, red are very catchy and linger even after the first viewing.

Compared to Grizzly Bears last album cover, Veckatimest's cover is spring to Yellow House's winter. Yellow House, a picture of sun shining onto a railing leading to stairs, forms a serene, cohesive composition. Veckatimest obviously stands out with bright colors and an interesting collection of shapes which form the whole. Does the fact that it stands out so make Veckatimest's cover better? The answer is no. While a great album cover, Veckatimest is not quite as satisfying as the wintery splendor of Yellow House. 

By the way, the music on Veckatimest is great, go pick it up!

Fresh Turd: Asher Roth

OK, I'll admit I like the production in this song. But ASHER ROTH GODDAMNIT YOU LEAVE SAVED BY THE BELL ALONE!! Is nothing sacred to you? And by the way no one believes it when you say "if you're trying to have sex I'm the best at it." And you're not king of the blumpkins, everybody knows that is Gene Simmons.

Fresh Biscuits: Dirty Projectors

Screw Animal Collective and Grizzly Bear, this is my overly premature pick for album of the year. Pop flourishes mixed with African guitar and two part female harmonies, its 'Bitte Orca' by the Dirty Projectors. Nope, can't beat this. Oh, the full album is streaming here at the NPR website.

Hooray for Conan

So Conan O'Brien finally took over the Tonight Show. In the opener he had to run from NY to LA for the start of his show, and he made it! Good luck to you Conan.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Fresh Biscuit: Blind Man's Colour

I really like the name of this band, Blind Man's Colour. It's just a really appropriate fit because of how colorful and ambient this track is. I don't even listen to the words, more like absorb the full spectrum of this song. I think if I had to pick what color this song is, it would be orange. And green. Wait....those two together would make brown. Whatever.

I'm Pretty Sure Eminem Was in on This

So this video has gone viral, and eatdogeat has caught it! Bruno (from the Ali G show and the upcoming movie) flies in from the ceiling and descends straight to Eminem's lap. It looks like Eminem got a pretty good view of Bruno's business and was not surprisingly outraged, as demonstrated by storming out the joint. Let's be honest, though. I'm sure Eminem is trying to capture the fiery, enraged over ICP, etc. Eminem which we all loved about a decade ago. Good one, guys!

I'm So Sorry Karen O

So this blog featured a story about Karen O and Marilyn Manson bearing a resemblance to each other, aka Karilyn O Manson scandal. I just want to say sorry Karen O! After going to the YYY's concert in Minneapolis last Saturday I was blown away. I don't care who she looks like, she is hot. This woman has the most energetic and entertainingly charismatic stage presence I have ever seen. 

A good blogger prolly would have taken a camera with, but here are so good Karen O shots I dug up:
Favorite moments from YYY's show:
3. Yelling "Yeah Yeah Yeah" repeatedly and then getting bitched out
2. Multiple mouthfuls of water spit into air by Karen O
1. Karen O busts out 'KO' leather jacket

Thanks Karen O!

Here is the Yeah Yeah Yeahs from SNL:

More Micachu!

This post is because of the overwhelming demand for British pop band Micachu and the Shapes. OK, the demand is mostly in my head. This music video for 'Golden Phone' is a good example of what I'm calling schizo-pop. Its pretty simple, but the song is great and it's a good look at Mica. She has such tired looking eyes and you can tell she's always thinking of something else. I get the feeling she rarely sleeps. Go Mica!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Friday: One Track Lover

Happy Friday again! This week is a song from Garth Marenghi's 'Darkplace,' a British comedy series let in the 80's. For those who don't know, Garth Marenghi is a master horror writer and has written more books than he has read. If that doesn't make him good, I don't know what does. This song 'One Track Lover' would have totally been a hit in the 80's.

Fresh Biscuit: The Shivers

Hmmm, looks like there are only going to be nice posts today. I'm not sure what is going on. Could be that sweet early summer breeze bringing on my carefree, snarkless attitude. Anyway, I was taken by this song by a band called The Shivers. 'Just Didn't Need to Know' has a breezy feeling to it, though there is a bit of emotion. Check this band out, they look like regular people!

Fresh Biscuit: Dan Auerbach

Fresh in the wah wah wah wah wah guitar category, Dan Auerbach. Most will remember him as the guitar/voice of The Black Keys. Well, he decided to record a solo album in a style nearly identical to his full time band. Whatever. This song is so simple, yet so catchy and listenable, Fresh Biscuit, baby. Videos a little weak, but no complaints.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

This Just In...

More on the recent YYY's Karen O actually being Marilyn Manson (Karilyn O Manson) scandal. It turns out both Karen and Marilyn, seen here:

may actually be the infamous 'Batboy' (below), formerly found on fake tabloids at your local grocer who later had a crappy off-broadway play made about him. More on this story as it unfolds.

Stale Biscuit: Dead Science

So I found this band a while ago doing while doing some Myspace hopping, Dead Science. I'm trying to figure out if anybody likes this. They specialize in a type of goth rock which I've heard described as vaudevillian. His voice does this quivering like he has some breathing problem over high pitched crawling guitar. I'm kind of addicted to it. Let me know. Like it? Hate it?

Fresh Biscuit: Patrick Wolf

We are all abuzz here at eatdogeat central for the new Patrick Wolf. We only hope that the buzz isn't our last lingering threads of heterosexuality (see video below). All homophobic tendencies aside, Patrick is releasing his new album 'The Bachelor' soon, and so far it looks really promising. Second video from that album, 'Hard Times,' has a great strings riff. We also like to hear Patrick singing the word harder repeatedly.

The first video he released is pretty much soft-core porn.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fresh Biscuit: Jay Reatard

Hey Hey its new Jay Meantally Heanicapped for ya (I read that aloud and sounded like a Russian Guy). Turns out he's recording a new album, and lead single is called 'It Ain't Gonna Save Me.' Its a turn towards the more pop styled ditties he had on his singles collections. Heres to hoping he puts out a few more songs like the ones on 2006's 'Blood Visions' (check out the video below).

'It Ain't Gonna Save Me'

This is the exact moment I fell for Jay:

I Don't Hate This?!?!: Scarlett Johansson

Thanks Scarlett Johansson, for allowing me to post the raciest picture yet here at eatdogeat. Why is this posted, you ask? Why its because Scarlett is producing even more music! Well, she produced it with Pete Yorn in 2006. I was really impressed by her album last year of Tom Waits covers. I mean come on, Tom Waits covers produced by David Sitek of TV on the Radio? You can't miss. Anyway, here is a link to her new posted song from the upcoming album, 'Break Up.' 

And just because I didn't hate her last album so much, here is a video from it:

Fresh Biscuit: Yeah Yeah Yeahs

You heard it here first: Karen O from Yeah Yeah Yeahs is actually Marilyn slightly less makeup. Weren't we all shocked when he wore breasts for that one album? It turns out he/she was just wrapping the breasts Hillary Swank style all of the time he didn't have them. So, anyway, my only evidence for this theory is how they look uncannily alike. Consider exhibit A:

Eerily similar, right? But they could just be making the same creepy face while being born with the ability to open their mouths super wide. Lets then get a good side-by-side face comparison. Exhibit B:

So Marilyn's jawbone looks thinner, right? That isn't something a little aging/weight gain can't fix. Seriously.

Also, there is a new YYY's video out for 'Heads Will Roll.' Enjoy!

Fresh Croissant: Charly Greene

So this isn't really a Fresh Biscuit, I thought it was hilarious. I'm pretty sure this Charly Greene is France's answer to Asher Roth. Dear France: we aren't that proud of him. We are proud of our Gossip Girl though.
UPDATE: I am completely addicted to this song.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Death of My Ears

I stabbed my eardrums simultaneously with two ice picks after hearing this, so it could be the end of this blog. We'll see. Its three strikes YOU OUT!

Fresh Biscuit: Pepepe

I'm a little late on this, but this Mexican electronic artist, Pepepe, released his latest album FOR FREE!!! JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA. For anyone who doesn't know, that is how you laugh if you speak Spanish and are typing. I would call his music trippy-mexelectro, and it has a great sound. Check out this track, Algebra. It has a repetitive strummy acoustic guitar, echoed sound effects, unintelligible vocals, everything I love. For those interested, his album is here.

Fresh Turd: Green Day

Green Day, do you know the enemy? Your enemy is Green Day. 1994 Green Day called and they said what the fuck.

This Band is Really Good

So this music is a little old to be a fresh biscuit (album leaked months ago), and way too new to be a stale biscuit. Grizzly Bear (officially) releases what is surely one of the albums of the year this Tuesday. The video for this song 'Two Weeks', directed by Patrick Daughters, is creepy to say the least. I'm pretty sure its about four little church boys who have a visit from God. Oh Grizzly Bear, you're the grizzliest.

Check out these hot trax from Veckatimest (from Pop Tarts Suck Toasted)

And for the heck if it, heres another video by a Grizzly Bear related band, Department of Eagles, also by Patrick Daughters.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Don't Worry

eatdogeat will never get a twitter page.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy Friday!

Well, its finally Friday again, and I'm putting the happy friday post up for my friend Derek. He asked me one night, (while we were both wasted) "what was that Conan skit with the babies in the fighter jets?" I couldn't think of it then, but it all of a sudden jumped into my head while mowing the lawn yesterday. 

Embryonic Rockabilly Polka-Dotted Fighter Pilots! Keep an eye out for the Conan fetus.

And somebody finally covered the song. Why? Because its awesome.

Fresh Biscuit: Here We Go Magic

And here it is....ANOTHER Brooklyn band making great, original music. This time its Here We Go Magic. The first song here, 'Only Pieces' sounds like two separate rhythms overlapped to form something very catchy, while Paul Simon is tied up in their basement and forced to sing in the cool, pleasant way only he can. The second song is about the same, but with guitar and synth. This band will probably never be huge, though they are really good at what they do. (Thanks to saidthegramophone for the files)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fresh Awesome

It doesn't get much better than three 70 year olds sitting in a restaurant while being forced to listen to modern music. This is from a series called 'Breakfast at Sulimays' and is worth checking out. Oh old people, you don't like anything that isn't Perry Como.

Common and Bon Iver

Young Jeezy and Animal Collective

Fresh Turd: Deerhoof

Deerhoof is a great band. Unfortunately they forgot to put a song to their latest video. Oops!

Fresh Biscuit: Sunset Rubdown

I support everything this guy Spencer Krug does, he has an eccentric output which requires no less than three bands to satiate. The single from his new album 'Dragonslayer' is called 'Idiot Heart' and features a nice grinding guitar, and diehard fans will notice that he cleverly recycled the song 'Q Chord' within this one. Check out the new album when it comes out on June 23rd. It will slay you. It will dragon you.

'Idiot Heart'

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Stale Biscuit: T-Rex

One of my favorite bands from the 70's was called T-Rex. Why, you ask? Because they are pioneers of Glam-rock, the mix of ridiculous flamboyant costumes and hair, rockin' guitars, and loads of cocaine. Just assuming anyway. Check out these classic T-Rex songs, both from the highly recommend album 'Electric Warrior.'


The classic 'Get it On (Bang a Gong)'

Fresh Biscuit: Clues

So I watched this video from Clues, called 'Haarp.' At first I was like okay, this is going nowhere. Then I was like, hmm, that beat is really catchy. Then I was like, damn! Fresh biscuit! This name of the song may or may not be inspired by Peter Sarsgaard. 

Fresh Biscuit: Suckers

I am pretty sure that summer is here now. All the songs are becoming lighter, breezier, more care free. This song is called 'Easy Chair' and is from a Brooklyn band called Suckers. You can think of them as a slightly poppier verision of Yeasayer, because their vocals are in the communal chant vein. They were also produced by Yeasayer, so theres that. Look/Listen:

This is music related because of the cat

This video made me laugh harder than I have for a long, long time. It will brighten your day. The cat! Oh God, the cat.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Doggie Treat: Micachu and the Shapes - Jewellery

I've got to give it to her, Micachu completely caught me off guard with her first album, 'Jewellery.' The primary reason is: I didn't know this type of music existed. She has an interesting name, Micachu, which turns out to be a combination of her first name, Mica, and an instrument she built herself, the chu. The chu happens to be a modified guitar played with a hammer action, while she also built a bowed instrument out of a CD rack.

So this review so far has not talked at all about her music, as it takes a lot of introduction to describe her scattershot genius. Her brand of music is self described as pop, but may be better described as electro-bipolar-noise pop. I spent some time over the roughly eight times I have already listened to this album trying to find other acts to which could serve for comparison. The best I have come up with is to describe at least her first song 'Vulture' as a mix between Deerhoof time signatures, the off-tuned guitar style of Xiu Xiu, the voice of Lily Allen, mixed with the sound of dropping a piano twelve stories onto a dumpster filled with kittens. Her songs really pack that much into three minute pop gems.

Overall the album flows nicely, with relatively short songs and a runtime of only 31 minutes. My favorite part of the album is probably the first four songs, which start with the great 'Vulture,' followed by shorter, punk styled songs and freaky folk 'Eat Your Heart.' This song is a good example of Mica's lyrical stylings, because she repeats the title about twenty times. I would say that if you are looking for an emotional connection with an album, this is not the place to look. She does have somewhat of a moody ballad with 'Turn Me Well,' and my favorite line "When you get to me, you turn me well. I'm a tired soul.'

Micachu and the Shapes have put together a manic, noisy, 'pop' album with 'Jewellery.' This is the type of album, though, that most people will not get instantly. The song 'Calculator' is an example, because it took me at least five listens before I really like it because I had to disassociate it with the song it samples, 'Tequila.' Basically, this is not an album for everyone, but for those who like a challenging listen, eat dog eat.

Check It Out

EVERYBODY: if you are going to be available at all on July 19th to July 21st, there is only one place to be. That is the Pitchfork Music Festival, or the P4k festival to those trendier types. This lineup consistently blows my mind. It includes ALMOST everybody I would want to see, but those guys from Wham! are too stubborn to reunite. There are also audience chosen setlists from dinosaur indie-rockers Built to Spill, Jesus Lizard, Yo La Tengo, and Tortoise. Here are videos from a few of the acts, so you will get a taste of what to expect:

Final Fantasy

Grizzly Bear

The National

Fresh Biscuit: Dead Weather

As mentioned, Dead Weather is a new band with a lot of indie-stars, including Jack White. This song, 'Hang You from the Heavens' is good. Alison Mosshart does an amazing Jack White vocal impression over crashing drums and a pretty sweet note bend riff. Enjoy!

'Hang You from the Heavens'

Do You Like Things?

For a while I thought the chorus in this video was 'Do you like things,' now I'm pretty sure that it is 'Do you like face.' Anyway, this video by Classixx is called 'I'll Get You,' and features Jeppe from beloved Junior Senior. OK, I admit I like this song more for the video. That girl is nice. But the songs catchy, right? Fine, the song isn't good. Watch the video.

and some classic Junior Senior

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fresh Biscuit: Glasser

I almost didn't include Glasser's 'Apply' as Fresh Biscuit status. It took me about 5 listens before I really liked this song, but something kept bringing me back. I want to say it is her voice. Soothing, with a charming echo effect. Also, the beat. Hypnotic. The videos take it or leave it, but listen to the song. It will suck you in.

'Apply' (via Stereogum)

Fresh something or other

Favorite SNL moment of the season. Starts with really corny jokes and ends with awesome. Just musical enough to make it.

Fresh Turd: Vivian Girls

Come on Vivian Girls! This video would be OK if the song wasn't a complete turd. Its funny when they show the cake, then the chunky girl, and you can totally tell she is thinking about the cake. The song is part of the reverb-fuzz-pop movement, but without the redeeming quality of a catchy or even good sounding melody. Also, mopeds are a waste of petro, use a frickin' bicycle.

Fresh Biscuit: Megafaun

Megafaun is a band which used to play with Justin Vernon, aka Bon Iver, in a group called DeYarmond Edison. In a show of separation from their departed indie-star, they recorded their album in the exact opposite setting. Instead of a remote cabin in Wisconsin, it was a crowded skyscraper in a metropolis in North Carolina. They had just gotten new girlfriends, and were in perfect health. It was summer time. This is the sound of a band forging a unique and satisfying trail.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Stale Biscuit: Tom Waits

Happy Friday all. Friday nights used to see Tom Waits scrounging in an alley behind a dive bar corralling the hobos for stories and stealing a nip of their brown bag cough syrup. Sure, those days are behind him, but we can reminisce.

'Rain Dogs'

Tom Waits and a Fish

Fresh Biscuit: Hanne Hukkelberg

Hear Hanne Hukkelberg. Hanne hopes he hearts her heavy-handed harmonies. Holy Hell, highly hailed here.

Fresh Biscuit: Micachu and the Shapes

One of my favorite experiences is when I hear good new music that is unlike anything else I have ever heard. This artist Micachu put out the most dissonant, arrhythmic, and erratic album of the year, 'Jewellery,' and its insanely pleasurable. Give these songs 'Vulture' and 'Calculator' a try. If its not jiving yet, give it three more tries. Or Twenty. Hint: there may be an upcoming Doggie Treat article.

Fresh Turd: U2

You don't like me? Well I hate U2. I really, really hate U2.