Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fresh Biscuit: Polvo

Finally heard this track over at the Pitchfork Media (and stole the link). The first time I heard this song my favorite thing happened where hearing only the first few notes the song just speaks my language. It's like the tones and rhythm speak to my natural aural brain frequencies and I'm just so infatuated that I don't want to listen to anything else for a few days. I don't even like the heavy crunching guitar sounds, but they really grew on me.

I hadn't heard of this band, Polvo, before a few days ago. They released a bunch of albums in the math-rock style throughout the early nineties but were somewhat overshadowed by the whole grunge thing. Then, they stopped in about 1998. Now, after a hiatus of over a decade, they release this track, 'Beggar's Bowl' which I am completely in awe over. I listened to this about ten times in a row, which I never do.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

This Got so Much Better

After the first installment of Beck's record club, I wasn't sold. The cover of 'Monday Morning' was slow and Beck's voice was, let's say, not optimal for that type of song. Then came the next tracks from 'Velvet Underground & Nico,' and I am eating my words.

'Waiting for My Man' is a song which should sound god awful. Somehow when executed, the off-tuned ill-matching manic instrumentation is so great. Mixed with Beck's through the nose style vocals, this is a keeper.

'Femme Fatale' sounds like a guy rapping on his jeans and stomping while Beck whispers (through his nose again). It's pretty good!

I think we can say that these songs are the OPPOSITE of communism. Sounds horrible on paper, great in reality.