Friday, May 29, 2009
Happy Friday: One Track Lover
Happy Friday again! This week is a song from Garth Marenghi's 'Darkplace,' a British comedy series let in the 80's. For those who don't know, Garth Marenghi is a master horror writer and has written more books than he has read. If that doesn't make him good, I don't know what does. This song 'One Track Lover' would have totally been a hit in the 80's.
Fresh Biscuit: The Shivers

Fresh Biscuit: Dan Auerbach
Fresh in the wah wah wah wah wah guitar category, Dan Auerbach. Most will remember him as the guitar/voice of The Black Keys. Well, he decided to record a solo album in a style nearly identical to his full time band. Whatever. This song is so simple, yet so catchy and listenable, Fresh Biscuit, baby. Videos a little weak, but no complaints.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This Just In...
More on the recent YYY's Karen O actually being Marilyn Manson (Karilyn O Manson) scandal. It turns out both Karen and Marilyn, seen here:

may actually be the infamous 'Batboy' (below), formerly found on fake tabloids at your local grocer who later had a crappy off-broadway play made about him. More on this story as it unfolds.

Karen O,
Karilyn O Manson,
Marilyn Manson,
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Stale Biscuit: Dead Science

Fresh Biscuit: Patrick Wolf
We are all abuzz here at eatdogeat central for the new Patrick Wolf. We only hope that the buzz isn't our last lingering threads of heterosexuality (see video below). All homophobic tendencies aside, Patrick is releasing his new album 'The Bachelor' soon, and so far it looks really promising. Second video from that album, 'Hard Times,' has a great strings riff. We also like to hear Patrick singing the word harder repeatedly.
The first video he released is pretty much soft-core porn.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fresh Biscuit: Jay Reatard

'It Ain't Gonna Save Me'
This is the exact moment I fell for Jay:
I Don't Hate This?!?!: Scarlett Johansson

And just because I didn't hate her last album so much, here is a video from it:
Fresh Biscuit: Yeah Yeah Yeahs
You heard it here first: Karen O from Yeah Yeah Yeahs is actually Marilyn slightly less makeup. Weren't we all shocked when he wore breasts for that one album? It turns out he/she was just wrapping the breasts Hillary Swank style all of the time he didn't have them. So, anyway, my only evidence for this theory is how they look uncannily alike. Consider exhibit A:

Eerily similar, right? But they could just be making the same creepy face while being born with the ability to open their mouths super wide. Lets then get a good side-by-side face comparison. Exhibit B:
So Marilyn's jawbone looks thinner, right? That isn't something a little aging/weight gain can't fix. Seriously.
Also, there is a new YYY's video out for 'Heads Will Roll.' Enjoy!
Fresh Biscuit,
Marilyn Manson,
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Fresh Croissant: Charly Greene
So this isn't really a Fresh Biscuit, I thought it was hilarious. I'm pretty sure this Charly Greene is France's answer to Asher Roth. Dear France: we aren't that proud of him. We are proud of our Gossip Girl though.
UPDATE: I am completely addicted to this song.
UPDATE: I am completely addicted to this song.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The Death of My Ears
I stabbed my eardrums simultaneously with two ice picks after hearing this, so it could be the end of this blog. We'll see. Its three strikes YOU OUT!
Fresh Biscuit: Pepepe

Fresh Turd: Green Day
Green Day, do you know the enemy? Your enemy is Green Day. 1994 Green Day called and they said what the fuck.
This Band is Really Good
So this music is a little old to be a fresh biscuit (album leaked months ago), and way too new to be a stale biscuit. Grizzly Bear (officially) releases what is surely one of the albums of the year this Tuesday. The video for this song 'Two Weeks', directed by Patrick Daughters, is creepy to say the least. I'm pretty sure its about four little church boys who have a visit from God. Oh Grizzly Bear, you're the grizzliest.
Check out these hot trax from Veckatimest (from Pop Tarts Suck Toasted)
And for the heck if it, heres another video by a Grizzly Bear related band, Department of Eagles, also by Patrick Daughters.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Happy Friday!
Well, its finally Friday again, and I'm putting the happy friday post up for my friend Derek. He asked me one night, (while we were both wasted) "what was that Conan skit with the babies in the fighter jets?" I couldn't think of it then, but it all of a sudden jumped into my head while mowing the lawn yesterday.
And somebody finally covered the song. Why? Because its awesome.
Embryonic Rockabilly Polka-Dotted Fighter Pilots! Keep an eye out for the Conan fetus.
And somebody finally covered the song. Why? Because its awesome.
Fresh Biscuit: Here We Go Magic

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Fresh Awesome
It doesn't get much better than three 70 year olds sitting in a restaurant while being forced to listen to modern music. This is from a series called 'Breakfast at Sulimays' and is worth checking out. Oh old people, you don't like anything that isn't Perry Como.
Young Jeezy and Animal Collective
Common and Bon Iver
Young Jeezy and Animal Collective
Fresh Turd: Deerhoof
Deerhoof is a great band. Unfortunately they forgot to put a song to their latest video. Oops!
Fresh Biscuit: Sunset Rubdown

'Idiot Heart'
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Stale Biscuit: T-Rex
One of my favorite bands from the 70's was called T-Rex. Why, you ask? Because they are pioneers of Glam-rock, the mix of ridiculous flamboyant costumes and hair, rockin' guitars, and loads of cocaine. Just assuming anyway. Check out these classic T-Rex songs, both from the highly recommend album 'Electric Warrior.'
The classic 'Get it On (Bang a Gong)'
The classic 'Get it On (Bang a Gong)'
Fresh Biscuit: Clues
So I watched this video from Clues, called 'Haarp.' At first I was like okay, this is going nowhere. Then I was like, hmm, that beat is really catchy. Then I was like, damn! Fresh biscuit! This name of the song may or may not be inspired by Peter Sarsgaard.
Fresh Biscuit: Suckers
I am pretty sure that summer is here now. All the songs are becoming lighter, breezier, more care free. This song is called 'Easy Chair' and is from a Brooklyn band called Suckers. You can think of them as a slightly poppier verision of Yeasayer, because their vocals are in the communal chant vein. They were also produced by Yeasayer, so theres that. Look/Listen:
This is music related because of the cat
This video made me laugh harder than I have for a long, long time. It will brighten your day. The cat! Oh God, the cat.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Doggie Treat: Micachu and the Shapes - Jewellery

So this review so far has not talked at all about her music, as it takes a lot of introduction to describe her scattershot genius. Her brand of music is self described as pop, but may be better described as electro-bipolar-noise pop. I spent some time over the roughly eight times I have already listened to this album trying to find other acts to which could serve for comparison. The best I have come up with is to describe at least her first song 'Vulture' as a mix between Deerhoof time signatures, the off-tuned guitar style of Xiu Xiu, the voice of Lily Allen, mixed with the sound of dropping a piano twelve stories onto a dumpster filled with kittens. Her songs really pack that much into three minute pop gems.
Overall the album flows nicely, with relatively short songs and a runtime of only 31 minutes. My favorite part of the album is probably the first four songs, which start with the great 'Vulture,' followed by shorter, punk styled songs and freaky folk 'Eat Your Heart.' This song is a good example of Mica's lyrical stylings, because she repeats the title about twenty times. I would say that if you are looking for an emotional connection with an album, this is not the place to look. She does have somewhat of a moody ballad with 'Turn Me Well,' and my favorite line "When you get to me, you turn me well. I'm a tired soul.'
Micachu and the Shapes have put together a manic, noisy, 'pop' album with 'Jewellery.' This is the type of album, though, that most people will not get instantly. The song 'Calculator' is an example, because it took me at least five listens before I really like it because I had to disassociate it with the song it samples, 'Tequila.' Basically, this is not an album for everyone, but for those who like a challenging listen, eat dog eat.
album review,
Doggie treat,
Micachu and the Shapes
Check It Out
EVERYBODY: if you are going to be available at all on July 19th to July 21st, there is only one place to be. That is the Pitchfork Music Festival, or the P4k festival to those trendier types. This lineup consistently blows my mind. It includes ALMOST everybody I would want to see, but those guys from Wham! are too stubborn to reunite. There are also audience chosen setlists from dinosaur indie-rockers Built to Spill, Jesus Lizard, Yo La Tengo, and Tortoise. Here are videos from a few of the acts, so you will get a taste of what to expect:
Final Fantasy
Grizzly Bear
The National
Fresh Biscuit: Dead Weather

'Hang You from the Heavens'
Do You Like Things?
For a while I thought the chorus in this video was 'Do you like things,' now I'm pretty sure that it is 'Do you like face.' Anyway, this video by Classixx is called 'I'll Get You,' and features Jeppe from beloved Junior Senior. OK, I admit I like this song more for the video. That girl is nice. But the songs catchy, right? Fine, the song isn't good. Watch the video.
and some classic Junior Senior
Monday, May 18, 2009
Fresh Biscuit: Glasser
I almost didn't include Glasser's 'Apply' as Fresh Biscuit status. It took me about 5 listens before I really liked this song, but something kept bringing me back. I want to say it is her voice. Soothing, with a charming echo effect. Also, the beat. Hypnotic. The videos take it or leave it, but listen to the song. It will suck you in.
'Apply' (via Stereogum)
Fresh something or other
Favorite SNL moment of the season. Starts with really corny jokes and ends with awesome. Just musical enough to make it.
Fresh Turd: Vivian Girls
Come on Vivian Girls! This video would be OK if the song wasn't a complete turd. Its funny when they show the cake, then the chunky girl, and you can totally tell she is thinking about the cake. The song is part of the reverb-fuzz-pop movement, but without the redeeming quality of a catchy or even good sounding melody. Also, mopeds are a waste of petro, use a frickin' bicycle.
Fresh Biscuit: Megafaun

Friday, May 15, 2009
Stale Biscuit: Tom Waits
Happy Friday all. Friday nights used to see Tom Waits scrounging in an alley behind a dive bar corralling the hobos for stories and stealing a nip of their brown bag cough syrup. Sure, those days are behind him, but we can reminisce.
'Rain Dogs'
Tom Waits and a Fish
Fresh Biscuit: Hanne Hukkelberg

Fresh Biscuit: Micachu and the Shapes

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Fresh Biscuit: Passion Pit
This band, Passion Pit, has been totally rocking the blogocircle or whatever you call it lately. Their brand of uptempo-electro-pop would be just what I need to start the day if I had a job, but is still pretty good anyway. Check these songs/video out, get 'Manners' May 19th.
'Sleepyhead' (from last year)
Clell Tickle: Marketing Guru
So this videos a little old, and Tapes 'n Tapes has since pretty much crashed and burned. Aziz Ansari is huge now though, and I love Pitchfork media. Go read it.
Visit Sunny Phoenix
Some people call Phoenix a soft-rock version of the Strokes, I say their soft strokes rock my heart. This band from France makes me remember the days of high school and wish I hadn't been an AV geek. Sigh. ANYWAY...they have a new album coming out called 'Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix,' which is named after some guy. Here are the two official pre-album releases. Sigh. Oh, and a performance from SNL.
Fresh Biscuit: Nadja

Heres the MBV version:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'll trade my snack pack for your album....
UPDATE: Joel accepted your eatdogeat blogger's painting, 'patches,' so look for that up there in the next few weeks. AND, it turns out 'Salt Water Wound' is a song, so I totally take back making fun of it.
Wilco Central

Stale Biscuit: Serge Gainsbourg
Oh Serge, you dirty, dirty old man. I'm not French, so I am not sure what this song is about, but I can guess that it is something sexual. This song, 'En Melody' comes from his recently re-released album 'Histoire De Melody Nelson,' so you know, check it out or whatever. 70's France looks really nice!
Serge Gainsbourg and Whitney Houston
And this is his infamous line to Whitney Houston (skip to about 1:40 and look at her face).
Serge Gainsbourg and Whitney Houston
Fresh Biscuit: Ponytail
So this band Ponytail is master of the 7 minute freakout. I haven't listened to them much, but after this I am going to start. This song 'Celebrate the Body Electric (it Came from an Angel) is like a manic-depressive-manic episode, and the video is better. My favorite part is with the lights where they go smashy-unsmash, smashy-unsmash. They are Ponytail, check them out.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Fresh Turd: The Streets
Man was the turn-around on this quick. The Streets, who often produce music I hate have Twittered a song about a subject which pisses me off. Woo hoo, Fresh Turd material! I think if we ignore this flu it will go away, I only hope the same is true for The Streets. Okay, the video is cool because I like zombies.
Fresh Biscuit: Bon Iver
Fresh in the Boney Ivory department, a performance of 'Flume' with band My Brightest Diamond at the charity concert for Dark was the Night. This is the best song on his album, and is hauntingly beautiful here. Something about the line 'Sky is woman, she's the moon.' Gets me every time.
The original: 'Flume'
Turns out the Music Doesn't Suck in Korea
Your faithful eatdogeat blogger is headed to Korea in a few weeks, but don't fret. They have internet in Korea, and the blog will go on! Another thing they have in Korea apparently is the Beatles, because I hear their unmistakable influence on Korea's Roller Coaster. Check this song out, 'Can't Hide,' which is surprisingly listenable.
Stale Biscuit: Yeasayer
Trust me, you won't be a naysayer once you hear the sweetness of Yeasayer. Oof, that was probably the worst thing I've ever written. Cough. Yeasayer has a strange theme as a band, they write music as if their lives are taking place during primal days when you must kill others to survive, and apples spin and fly through space. This video is from their previous album 'All Hour Cymbals' which is a must own, and will also be true about their new album (fingers crossed).
'Wait for the Summer'
Also, I stumbled upon a semi-old video of a minimal production/maximal awesome performance of them at La Blogotheque's 'Take Away Show'.
Lastly, here is a song they did for a charity compilation, which rules. If you listen to it you have to buy it otherwise you are a bad person.
Jack White Does Stuff

Because enough is, well, never enough for White Stripes Jack White, he has formed another indie-rock super group. Granted this band 'Dead Weather' does sound pretty cool with Allison Mosshart (Kills) singing, Jack Lawrence (Raconteurs) bassing, Dean Fertita (Queens of the Stone Age) guitaring, and Jack banging on stuff. Think about seeing them.
Fresh Biscuit: King Khan and the Shrines

Monday, May 11, 2009
Fresh Turd: MC Face (Tom Green)

In case you need you're good memories of Tom Green back.
Not Gonna Lie
It's time for me to come out with the truth here at eatdogeat. I only wanted to become a blogger after I saw this character on SNL. You say this isn't music related? Bitch Pleeze.
Fresh Biscuit: Teeth Mountain

Friday, May 8, 2009
Wilco (again!)

Stale Biscuit: Beirut
This may be old, but I couldn't go a week without mentioning one of my favorite bands, Beirut, who specialize in turn of the (19th) century nostalgic gypsy folk music. It started as one man (boy at the time) Zach Condon recording all the instruments in his bedroom for the stellar debut album 'Gulag Orchestar.' He then recruited a band and released the EP 'Lon Gisland,' followed by French folk sounding album 'The Flying Club Cup.' All just breathtakingly awesome releases. Finally, back in February, we get another EP release which includes his normal heavy horn sound on 'March of the Zapotec,' and some electronic music released under Realpeople 'Holland' which harkens back to his early bedroom recording days pre-Beirut. There are some definite gems on here, so check it out people.
'The Concubine'
Also, I have included a few videos from La Blogotheque's 'Take Away Show,' because this show is just awesome.
Beirut - 'Nantes'
Beirut - 'Cliquot' (because everybody loves when a man sings 'what melody will see him in my arms again')
See all these videos here.
Fresh Biscuit: Animal Collective

Guess who played David Letterman last night. A little group called Animal Collective, who are great if you are into extremely repetitive electro-hooks mixed with absurd lyrics and lots of yelps. Doesn't sound good? Well check this video out, these guys can really mash buttons/program machines:
Animal Collective - 'Summertime Clothes'
This group also released the best song of the year earlier in January. I HIGHLY recommend getting their album 'Merriweather Post Pavilion.'
'My Girls'
Because I Like This
I'm not sure why I enjoy this, because I dislike most songs that rely on auto-tuner. Here is what they call the baby T-Pain:
Fresh Biscuit: Pterodactyl
It's just barely morning anymore, but this song is aural coffee to me. Yes, that is different from oral coffee. Pterodactyl combines a strobing, high pitched guitar, shrill, nasally vocals, and drums that don't quite belong to create a decent song in 'December.' I recommend checking out this video/mp3 below along with their album 'Worldwild.' WARNING: anybody with a history of epilepsy will want to avoid the video.
Fresh Biscuit: Neil Young
So, Neil Young, rock veteran of about 40 years released a new album. What's that? Its a concept album about electric cars, called 'Fork in the Road?' Wait a second...I don't hate this! Thats it, I'm getting an MRI next week.
Creepy Old Man,
Fresh Biscuit,
Music Video,
Neil Young
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Fresh Turd: Chris Cornell
Well look who decided to join the parade of (semi-)respectable 90's alt-rock kings who trash any remaining respect for them with god awful choices (looking at you Billy Corgan). This is a little old, but Chris Cornell of Soundgarden did sumthin' real real bad. He teamed up with hip-hop producer Timbaland for some bangin' club tracks, like this one, 'Part of Me'. It starts poorly, but you HAVE to stick around for the most awkward chorus of all time. Part of me says I might have liked this song if Britney Spears recorded it.
Chris Cornell: 'Part of Me'
Stale Biscuit: Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
In the creepy old man department is the Australian Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. I think many of you know them by their song 'Red Right Hand' which was used in both Dumb and Dumber and Scream. They are re-releasing The Seeds' first four albums, so you'll want to check that out if its your thing. And, I dug up some old Youtube videos. First is one from their latest, 'Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!' which I love for the parts when Nick sounds preachery. The other one is 'Your Funeral, My Trial' from the album of the same name. Dare I say its a post-murder ballad?
Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
Your Funeral, My Trial
This Creeps Me Out
Fresh from some alternate universe I hope to never visit, is a program called Microsoft Songsmith. This is for lazy musicians, i guess, because all you do is pick a style of song and then start singing and Songsmith will do the rest of the music for you. You might ask, who needs this? Well, as the video below demonstrates, a guy who needs to write a jingle for a glow in the dark towel and some other absolute freaks. Then check out the Beastie Boys classic 'Intergalactic,' if you dare.
Beastie Boys 'Intergalactic'
Microsoft Songsmith
Beastie Boys 'Intergalactic'
Fresh Biscuit: Pale Young Gentlemen

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Fresh Biscuit: Kurt Vile

Wilco, Wilco, Wilco
Wilco will love you baby, and you will love Wilco. The formerly alt-country turned dad-rock band is releasing a new album in June called 'Wilco (The Album).' Judging by the name of the album it is going to be really....well....creative? Lets hope its their experimental side and not a Volkswagen-commercial fodder snooze-fest like last time. Well, Feist is appearing on it, so they have that going for them. In other Wilco news, here is a somewhat old video of them performing on the Colbert Report. What's the song called? 'Wilco the Song?!' You guys are freaking killing me.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Exclusive Wilco Song | |||| | ||||
Fresh Biscuit: Vega

This Must be What Hell is Like

Stale Biscuit: Captain Beefheart
In a throwback to some influential shizz, heres the great spaz-rocker Captain Beefheart. During his wild days the music was nearly intolerable and probably took a dozen listens to get used to, while during his lighter days he sounds like watered down 70's radio trash. I picked a few that are somewhat towards the center of those two extremes to display here. The Captain eventually quit music because he found his painting career more profitable.
'Upon the My Oh My' - Here they are hitting a nasty stone cold groove Pink Floyd wish they could have tasted.
'Abba Zaba' - Apparently was a radio hit way back when.
Captain Beefheart,
Freak out,
Music Video,
Stale Biscuit
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